Is It Expensive to Live in Toronto?

**Short answer:**

Yes, it is expensive to live in Toronto. The city has a high cost of living due to factors such as real estate prices, food and entertainment costs, and transportation expenses. However, salaries in Toronto tend to be higher than other Canadian cities which can offset the higher living costs.

Understanding the cost of living in Toronto: A comprehensive guide

As one of Canada’s most vibrant urban centers, Toronto has a lot to offer in terms of culture, entertainment and job opportunities. However, as with any major city, living in Toronto can come at a cost. Understanding these costs can be challenging for newcomers, especially those who are unfamiliar with the city. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you understand the cost of living in Toronto.

One of the biggest expenses for people living in Toronto is housing. According to, the average cost of rent for a one-bedroom apartment in downtown Toronto is $2,150 per month (as of May 2021). Meanwhile, a two-bedroom apartment averages around $3,100 per month. If you’re looking to buy property in Toronto, be prepared to spend upwards of $1 million for a modest home.

Toronto is home to an abundance of restaurants and cafes catering to every taste and budget. The average cost of eating out ranges from about $10-30 CAD (Canadian Dollars) for fast food or casual dining options. A meal at a mid-range restaurant will typically set you back around $50 CAD per person without alcohol. Groceries can also be pricey depending on where you shop – expect to pay more than small town grocery stores elsewhere.

Toronto’s transportation system includes buses, streetcars and subways run by TTC (Toronto Transit Commission). A single fare costs $3 CAD while monthly passes range from approximately $150-$200 CAD depending on which type of transport pass you use.

Canada provides access to free healthcare its citizens but insurance may still cover extra charges outside basic treatments such as ambulance rides or prescription drugs etc.

Utilities & Phone bill:
Utilities including electricity bill might vary based upon usage between “$80-$200”. Monthly phone bills depend on services offered by your service provider but could range from “$50-$100+”. These bills are generally par for the course when it comes to living in Toronto.

From live music to theatre performances and nightclubs, Toronto has plenty of options for entertainment. Be prepared to pay an average of $35-$50 CAD for a concert ticket or movie theater ticket here. A night out at a bar or nightclub could cost upwards of 0 CAD when all expenses are included like drinks, rideshare/taxi fares.

Overall, understanding the cost of living in Toronto is essential if you’re planning on calling this city home. While it may be expensive compared to other Canadian cities, the opportunities and lifestyle it offers make it worth considering as a place to settle or visit frequently. So that’s our comprehensive guide on Understanding the cost of living in Toronto!

Breakdown of expenses: How does it add up to live in Toronto?

Living in Toronto can be a thrilling experience, and while it’s one of the most expensive cities in Canada, it doesn’t mean that you cannot live an affordable life there. All you need is to create a realistic budget plan to keep your expenses in check.

So, let’s take a deep dive into the breakdown of expenses and see how it adds up to living in Toronto.

Accommodation Expenses

Housing is the biggest expense in Toronto, making up about 35-50% of your monthly budget. The cost of rent for a single person varies depending on the location, but expect to pay between ,200 and ,500 per month for a one-bedroom apartment. To save money on housing costs, consider sharing accommodation with roommates or looking for cheaper neighbourhoods outside the downtown core.

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Transportation Expenses

The public transit system in Toronto is reliable but expensive. A monthly pass will set you back close to $150 per month. If you’re driving yourself around town, factor in gas prices (.25/Litre) plus parking fees which could average about – daily in downtown areas.

Food & Dining Expenses

Eating out is undoubtedly more expensive than cooking at home; however, food prices don’t differ much from other Canadian cities. It’s estimated that an average meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs approximately $16/person while groceries can be bought between $200-$300/month depending on dietary needs.

Entertainment Expenses

Toronto offers plenty of entertainment options like going to movies or attending events like concerts and festivals throughout the year which could strain your budget especially if done too often – always ensure these events are factored into your budget before going ahead and splurging.

Utility Bills & Miscellaneous Expenses

Utility bills such as electricity could fall within range of about CAD 60-80/monthly which excludes water bill charges that averages between CAD 40-80/month (depending listed property water usage), if you use a cellphone also factor in the monthly phone charges.

In summary, living in Toronto can be costly, but with proper budget planning and modesty, you can make it work. Remember to account for your housing expenses, transportation fees, food & dining costs plus miscellaneous expenses such as utilities and entertainment within your budget. By keeping these variable costs within reason each month, anyone can maintain the quality of life they are accustomed to and enjoy all that this beautiful city has to offer.

Is it possible to live on a budget in Toronto?

Living in a big city can be a major drain on your finances. In Toronto, a cosmopolitan hub with much to offer, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of new experiences and allow your spending to spiral out of control. But is it possible to live on a budget in Toronto? The answer is yes – with some effort, planning, and creativity.

Firstly, housing is often the biggest expense when living in a city like Toronto. However, there are ways to reduce this cost significantly if you’re willing to adapt to different lifestyles. Consider shared accommodation or co-living spaces as an option instead of renting an entire apartment or condo by yourself. This not only saves money on rent but also provides opportunities for social interactions.

Another way to save money is by using public transportation such as the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) rather than relying on expensive ride-sharing options like Uber or Lyft. Not only does this help cut down expenses, but it also reduces traffic congestion and greenhouse gases emissions.

Cooking meals at home can also save you some serious cash. Eating out regularly is one of the easiest ways that people overspend; preparing your food at home allows you to control portions and ingredients while being kinder on your wallet.

Grocery shopping doesn’t have to be boring either – check out farmers’ markets for fresh produce that’s delicious and less expensive than buying from big box stores. Another tip would be prepping meals ahead of time so that you are never caught hungry without something nutritious readily available.

For entertainment, take advantage of free events around the city such as outdoor concerts or art exhibits at museums held during certain days of the week/months where admission fees are waived.

One final point – shopping smartly can make keeping within budget easier too! Rather than purchasing brand names at department stores, try alternative discount shops or thrift shops for clothing bargains.

In conclusion: Is it possible to live on a budget in Toronto? Absolutely, with some forethought and consideration. It requires creative strategies such as using public transport, preparing meals at home, seeking shared accommodation or co-living spaces, and finding free or low-cost options for entertainment. Ultimately, with determination and a desire to live frugally without sacrificing the quality of life experience that comes with living in a big city, anyone can make it work.

Beyond rent and groceries: Hidden costs of living in Toronto

Toronto is a great city with a plethora of opportunities, activities and sights to explore. However, living in Toronto comes with its own set of challenges and expenses that cannot be ignored. Beyond the obvious costs that come to mind such as rent and groceries, there are several hidden costs associated with living in Toronto that can take you by surprise if you’re not careful.

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Getting around in Toronto can be very expensive due to high gas prices, expensive parking rates and public transit fares. If you’re commuting every day either by driving or taking the TTC, it’s important to budget for these costs so that they don’t eat into your savings.


While Canada is known for its universal healthcare system, there are still health-related expenses that may not be covered under basic insurance. This includes dental care, vision care, prescription medications and physiotherapy – all of which can add up quickly.

Going out

Toronto is a vibrant city with plenty of restaurants, bars and entertainment options that attract both locals and tourists alike. However, indulging in these activities can easily affect your bottom line if you’re not careful about budgeting for them.

Clothes & Apparel

The shopping scene in Toronto is second to none but also comes at a cost; purchasing quality clothes whether casual or formal may require more than just window shopping while scouting how much each boutique or store demands before finally making the coveted purchase.


As an employed resident within the city limits where residents include Canadians from all walks of life— it’s worth noting that Toronto has one of the highest taxation fees subjected on households compared to other Canadian provinces over time— meaning working residents pay more income tax.


It’s important to remember when planning your move down to Toronto exactly how much daily life here could affect one’s capital—not just rent or otherwise necessities but peripheral incidental costs like transportation fares if TTC commuting maybe considered restrictive rather than owning personal cars for better navigation around town, healthcare alternatives that work best for each individual with regards to insurance coverage and going out occasion’s budgeting plans. For those who decide to move here, there are many factors that need consideration— so be prepared!

Debating between urban and suburban living in Toronto: Which is more expensive?

When it comes to urban versus suburban living in Toronto, one of the most critical factors that come into play is undoubtedly cost. Understanding the expense associated with either option can make or break your decision entirely. Although both areas have their advantages and disadvantages, what difference does it make when it comes to your pocket?

Living in an urban area such as downtown Toronto may give you the ability to choose from a vast range of housing options. From high-rise condos overlooking the city skyline to apartments in charming historic buildings squeezed between bustling streets, there is something for everyone’s taste. However, these luxurious lifestyle choices come at a hefty price tag.

The rental market is especially notorious for being increasingly expensive over the years due to high demand and limited supply, leading many people to opt for purchasing instead. The average condo price in downtown Toronto has skyrocketed over the past decade and now sits at roughly 0 per square foot – quite steep considering that statistic was less than 0 per square foot just ten years ago.

On the other hand, opting for suburban living often equates to more space and an overall lower cost of living per square foot compared to its urban counterpart. This could translate into having access to larger homes with spacious gardens in quieter neighbourhoods where you are more likely to find more families and settled communities than transient renters.

While this might seem like an obvious solution for those looking for cheaper accommodations, there are still potential trade-offs that need serious consideration before making any final decisions on whether or not this option is right for you. For example, suburban living could mean longer commutes if work or other necessities remain within the city limits – add in the cost of transportation (whether by car or transit) together with maintaining multiple vehicles if needed as well comparable lifestyle costs (like buying groceries), and suddenly things don’t look so affordable anymore.

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Another factor worth considering before deciding whether urban or suburban living is better because of its affordability is lifestyle. Many people decide to live in an urban area because of the accessible culture and diverse communities, with plenty of trendy restaurants, clubs, museums or other nearby hotspots. The neighbourhood vibe might be friendly or hip, but there’s always something to explore and enjoy.

Alternatively, those who opt for suburban lifestyles often do so because they value peace and quiet over hustle and bustle. Single-family homes are often a more expensive option within downtown Toronto limits due to limited spaces available. Families will feel right at home as children get access to playgrounds and green space which isn’t the case when living in high-density condominiums within the city. Furthermore, there is typically less traffic congestion outside city limits, which can result in less stress on your daily commute – assuming you put up with rush-hour conditions while traveling through urban areas during peak times.

The bottom line is that neither urban nor suburban living is inherently more expensive than the other — it all depends on your lifestyle preferences and current financial situation. Some factors play a role such as housing market fluctuations due to economic changes that could influence either of these areas’ affordability.

So what’s the verdict? The choice boils down entirely to personal preference and lifestyle factors like work location proximity compared against traffic flow or simply wanting some peace and quiet over excitement and energy-filled evenings out there among friends!

Frequently asked questions about the cost of living in Toronto answered

Toronto is one of the most desirable cities to live in, not just in Canada but across the world. Its vibrant culture, diverse community, and booming economy make it an attractive destination for job seekers, business owners, and families alike. However, there is always one question that comes up when considering a move to Toronto – what’s the cost of living like?

In this blog post, we aim to answer some of the frequently asked questions about the cost of living in Toronto.

Question 1: How expensive is housing in Toronto?

Housing is usually considered the biggest expense for anyone looking to relocate anywhere. And while it’s true that housing prices are steep in Toronto compared to other parts of Canada, they’re still relatively affordable compared to other major international cities.

You can expect to spend around $2,200/month on rent for a one-bedroom apartment downtown or $1,500/month outside the city center. If you opt for buying instead of renting be prepared for home prices ranging from $600K – $2M based on your preferred location and size.

Question 2: What about transportation costs?

Getting around by public transport is an excellent option for those looking to save money on commutes while supporting sustainable travel initiatives. In Toronto, commuting via subway or buses will cost you under $3 per trip/ride; depending on your plans transit pass options are available.

If you choose personal transportation i.e car/motorbike then be prepared with additional expenses such as parking fees which could range from -/day just within Downtown toronto limits.

Question 3: Are groceries more expensive in Toronto?

Groceries and food costs will depend largely on where you shop and how often you dine out.The average grocery cart worth at least 125$ will get you through a week with essential items sourced locally.
However eating out regularly would run up bills and offset savings obtained from shopping smartly

Question 4: How much will I need to spend on utilities?

Toronto households typically spend between $150-$200 per month on utilities. This includes central heating, electricity, water, and internet bills.

Some apartments include utilities in the rent, be sure to check what is covered before committing

Question 5: Is Toronto affordable?

Overall, the cost of living in Toronto might be higher than other parts of Canada but compared to similar international cities such as London and New York City it’s relatively cheaper while still offering everything you’d wish for from a city – all thanks to its stable economy and diverse job opportunities.

In conclusion, the costs related about cost of living in toronto can’t easily be calculated using rough general estimates alone. It is highly dependent on many factors including individual lifestyles and financial choices one makes. While it may seem costly at first glance, there are always ways to budget wisely make the most out of your dollars when settling in this great city.